The opportunity lies in stillness


August 7, 2024

Momentum sending you forward but in the wrong direction is useless. The pause is what makes sure your energy is always driving your business in the right direction.

Fast, furious days full of delivery after delivery.

Heart racing. Everything is important. Including the things that aren’t.

But sometimes we need quiet.

Utter stillness.

And in those still moments we refocus and find a motivator beyond the continuous movement that is momentum.

Because momentum provides movement, but not direction.

It is only in stillness that we can stop and actually study possible pathways.

Only in stillness that we can make considered decisions about which direction all our momentum should be focused on.

Stillness can be found when we go for a walk and sit on a park bench by some water.

Or lie on the couch and pat our dog or cat after a long day at work.

Or when we get really, really sick and can’t even get out of bed. (that’s me while writing this)

Sure it might then be harder to start up again after those moments living without movement.

But once direction and momentum are aligned, there is very little that can stop us from getting to where we need to go.

Lessons from a fellow business owner


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