Spy on your competitors with these cool tech tricks


August 7, 2024

Spy on your competitor’s paid ads with Advertiser Pages. Then take a deep dive into their website with the handy Chrome extension BuiltWith!

Advertiser Pages

Last October, Google launched My Ad Centre. Within this tool is a section called “Advertiser Pages”.

These Advertiser Pages let you see all the other ads that your competitors have run over the past 30 days. Yes, really!

To view a competitor’s Advertiser Page, you’ll need to click on the three stacked dots next to an ad. From there, you can click to “See more ads by this advertiser”. Then you can filter these results by type: text, image, and video ads.

But remember, if you can do this to your competitors, they can do it to your ads too! So it’s important to make sure that you have an offer or product that they can’t copy!


The BuiltWith Chrome extension is a super sleuth tool that essentially lets you spy on your competitor’s website technology — giving you a clear view of what they prioritise.

Some competitor info that you can reveal includes:

  • What platform they use
  • Their SEO tricks like optimisation plugins and link-building tools
  • The advertising and analytics tools they are using
  • Their hosting service
  • What conversion tags they’ve installed

And that’s only the tip of the iceberg 🤯 

ECommerce brands can gain insights into their competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and potentially identify opportunities to improve their own website and customer experience. For example, if your competitor is using a faster hosting provider, you may need to upgrade your hosting to remain competitive.

Or if most of your competitors are using a particular tool or software, it may indicate that it’s becoming an industry standard.


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