Climbing the ladder means reaching down and offering a hand


August 7, 2024

Before you look outward at your team, you need to look inward. At your leadership. Ask yourself, “Can I do more?”

Your team is capable of more.

They’re capable of finding opportunities.

They’re capable to solve problems.

They’re capable of creating meaning.

They’re capable of educating themselves.

They’re capable of being educated.

And before you look at your team and find them lacking, ask yourself this:

“What am I doing as a leader that may be creating a roadblock for my team to achieve all they are capable of?”

“What could I do differently to create an environment that gives people the clarity, focus, and resources they need to achieve all they are capable of?”

And no, I don’t mean just, “Believe in them and give them more responsibility”.

Responsibility without structure and the tools for their success isn’t empowerment.

It’s obstruction.

Responsibility without clear goals and measures isn’t freeing.

It’s confusing.

Don’t get me wrong, none of this means there won’t be bad hires.

Or that you’ll be immune from your best people leaving, even when they are genuinely happy.

But it does mean that while good people are with you, they’ll be capable of their best work.

And both they, and you, can feel deeply proud of what they accomplish.

Lessons from a fellow business owner


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